1. Do the easiest thing first 2. Don’t rely on the people that tried and failed prior 3. 90% of problems are between the driver’s seat and the steering wheel Bonus: If it can go wrong, it WILL go wrong. (Murphy’s Law) Long term projects here: http://www.Patreon.com/AvE , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ic5R4C5HRUg/hqdefault.jpg sourceContinue Reading

machinemowers.com Adjust Cutting Height of Robot Mower | Worx Landroid WG794 Troubleshooting Video Series – #20 1 Introduction & Purpose https://youtu.be/q6Kn4leqKww 2 Goal of Robotic Mowing https://youtu.be/fcKMmWZhaVY 3 The Robotic Mowing Loop https://youtu.be/JiwSQ_ZYhAo 4 The Robot is Always Powered On https://youtu.be/PhrIS6rpals 5 The Adjustment Period https://youtu.be/IrT15Pbkp20 6 Identifying a ProblemContinue Reading