Assalamu’alaikum.. Video kali ini tentang mesin racun rumput mini AS 940 SHERPA 4WD.semoga menambah pengetahuan dan menghibur. Terimakasih yang sudah menonton video saya.jangan lupa like subscribe dan komentar setelah menonton video nya. Wassalam… #mesin #potongrumput #alatpemotong #alatcanggih #alatpencacah #alatberat sourceContinue Reading

Honda makers have actually regularly involved solid engines. This lawn mower does not lag behind, when it relates to engine top-notch. Many thanks to it and other advantages, like large-capacity discharge bag and instinctive self-propulsion, this lawn mower is seen among the very best mower on the industry. This walk-behindContinue Reading

โปรดติดตามตอนต่อไป.. คลิปนี้ขอแจ้งข่าวทุกท่านก่อนครับผม #ธงชัยเบ็นซินเล็ก sourceContinue Reading