I Made An Electric Motor Controller Using Arduino, Very Easy DIY
Controllers are needed for a smooth operation of a motor. In this video I went through the start and testing a DIY electric motor controller using arduino to control a dc motor. In order to do this on your own, you need a basic electronics experience and some components suchContinue Reading
Lawn Mower Motorized Wheelchair
Lawn Mower Motorized Wheelchair The pursuit of happiness is a goal that all humans share. Our goal here at One Smile At A Time is to contribute to that with a smile every day. Join us. Our goal is to make everyone that visits this channel smile every day. OurContinue Reading
RC Lawn Mower – Life and quick death
Short flight and quick death of the RC lawn mower at the 2011 UVA Open House. Paul had no rudder control and well, you will see what happens with no rudder 🙂 http://www.utahvalleyaeromodelers.com/ – Club Site sourceContinue Reading
Sea trials of the Arduino robot
Sea trials of the Arduino robot , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Q2AnPoWNuo0/hqdefault.jpg sourceContinue Reading
Lawn Mower Tune Up – Mower Maintenance Kit
Lawn Mower Tune Up – Mower Maintenance Kit View at DailyMotionContinue Reading
RC Robot Lawn Mower
I built this RC lawn mower two years ago and have been using it for cutting my lawns. sourceContinue Reading
Arduino robot lawn mower driving lanes (compass test) – www.ardumower.de
For more details visit http://www.ardumower.de -Das Video wurde 3x schneller gedreht -Dies ist KEINE ebene Fläche, sondern eine HĂĽgelfläche mit Gefälle – ohne KompaĂź wĂĽrde der Roboter hier ständig vom Kurs abkommen (kreuz und quer fahren) -Alles OHNE Odometrie, daher noch der zufällige Rasenversatz -In den (noch zu langen) PausenContinue Reading
RC Lawn mower parts test part two
All parts installed on the mower. We still have to tidy up the electronics and fix a few things before we can start cutting grass. sourceContinue Reading
Husqvarna Automower robot mower
Husqvarna Automower robot mower – the core of your garden. Shop now at myRobotcenter, you will get FREE 5 year guarantee and a FREE installation kit. Shop now! Click here: http://smarturl.it/Husqvarna ————————————– LINKS ————————————– â–ş Visit our Webshop https://www.myrobotcenter.co.uk/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=description_link â–ş Visit our Blog https://blog.myrobotcenter.com/en?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=description_link â–ş YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/myRobotcenterEurope?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=description_link â–ş Facebook https://www.facebook.com/myRobotcenterUnitedKingdom?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=description_linkContinue Reading