This video shows you how to make an electromagnet using magnet wire, a ferromagnetic core, and a battery. To view directions for a science project that uses electromagnets, see the “The Strength of an Electromagnet” Project Idea at Science Buddies: The materials to make the electromagnet shown in thisContinue Reading

EduTronics conducted a Robotics Workshop on Introduction to Arduino Programming for students at INTI International University, Malaysia. We aim to make Robotics accessible and affordable for at least 10,000 students every year across the globe. We work with schools and colleges everywhere on the planet. To organize a workshop atContinue Reading

For this project let’s build a sexy looking generator that uses electricity to convert water into an extremely powerful fuel! Here’s how to build an Oxy-Hydrogen generator from scratch. [✓] Solar Panels: [✓] 4” ABS clean out fittings: [✓] 3/8” Poly Tubing: [✓] 100 grit sandpaper: Reading

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