Robot Lawnmower PT3
Connecting up motors to wheels – chemical metal, etc…. , sourceContinue Reading
Connecting up motors to wheels – chemical metal, etc…. , sourceContinue Reading
Yes indeed! – The Amazing Arduino controlled, ultrasonic and RGB sensor Robot Lawnmower project continues… with a faster, more aggressive cutting motor and a safety switch! – There will be a delay before the next release due to a festival next weekend! – SORRY! :-p Thumbs-up and subscribe please! ,Continue Reading
This is my semester project (2011). SMaker can let people easily control a time-lapse Robot throw a smartphone. this robot has 4 axises which controlled by four steppers and an Arduino Board. More detail please visit , sourceContinue Reading
Awesome idea for your chainsaw. With this simple tool, you can easily cut wood. Watch other videos on the topic of homemade products and inventions on my channel. Thanks for watching. Subscribe to mr. Inventor on youtube #diy #tool #chainsaw , sourceContinue Reading
A few parts to look at and think about , sourceContinue Reading
A fair test… she failed… Mrs PacMan got a little hot and melted the glue, but it was fun trying out the lawnmower on a nice sunny day in the garden… So, looking for good ideas going forward… please subscribe and comment on what you think will help the project…Continue Reading
Building aspects of the robot mower… Every day is a learning experience! , sourceContinue Reading
Arduino controlled robot car has GPS navigation and a compass for steering. Finds its way back home within 1 to 3 meters. The GPS determines it’s location and the “home” position. Then it finds it’s current heading using the compass and determines a course for “home”, steers in that directionContinue Reading
This is a semi-autonomous robot controlled via Bluetooth. It has a compass HMC5883L magnetometer to maintain direction. An HC-06 Bluetooth module for connecting to an Android device. A Ublox 6M GPS module for location sensing. Two wheelchair motors, and a Sabertooth motor control board. The app was written using MITContinue Reading
This is a closeup of my Large Arduino Robot w Sabertooth motor controller Compass steering and Bluetooth control with Wheelchair electric motors. This video uses youtube labels which might not be seen with most mobile phones, best viewed using a computer. , sourceContinue Reading