Mud on a house! Yup, that happened. Want more Grass Cutting Action Clips? From Lawn Mowers Cutting Grass to Free How To Fix videos along with detailed Pressure Wash / House Wash Advice. I help you grow your #SideHustle Business. Click on “Show More” for awesome links to theContinue Reading This is an self-driving (autonomous) Ardumower robot mower added with cm-precise RTK-GPS (Piksi Multi) and without any perimeter wire. The auto-pilot software features arbitrary shapes and patterns, automatic path layouts, arbitrary clearance distance to obstacles and perimeter, shortest-path finding with obstacle avoidance and simulation mode. Ein autonom fahrender Ardumower-RasenroboterContinue Reading

This is a semi-autonomous robot controlled via Bluetooth. It has a compass HMC5883L magnetometer to maintain direction. An HC-06 Bluetooth module for connecting to an Android device. A Ublox 6M GPS module for location sensing. Two wheelchair motors, and a Sabertooth motor control board. The app was written using MITContinue Reading

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a GPS BORDER BOUNDARIES using Arduino, this is useful when you have a robot and you dont want it to go outside the specified area. Full tutorial: Download Visuino here: Other Visuino Projects: Twitter: Instagram: ,Continue Reading