ReP_AL 330 Lawn Mower Bumper Bar Test
Testing the 330 Mower Bumper Bar. Sonar sensors are turned off to demonstrate the bumper bar in action. , sourceContinue Reading
Testing the 330 Mower Bumper Bar. Sonar sensors are turned off to demonstrate the bumper bar in action. , sourceContinue Reading
Cuting the grass under the kids trampoline. It’s not so controlled, but gets the grass cut without having to move the heavy trampoline…. 🙂 Good test for long grass , sourceContinue Reading
3D Printing Lawn Mower Cover , sourceContinue Reading
I reprogrammed the small fence to be sure of the ball positions. I enabled high accuracy in NMEA messages on the GPS. The result is much better than before. , sourceContinue Reading
Built a second mower to develop new functions and software. As the cutting season is approaching I need a working mower to cut the grass… 🙂 It was also a great way to validate the parts and build instructions in my online shop , sourceContinue Reading
Perimeter Transmitter desig is from the ARDUMOWER project. , sourceContinue Reading
Testing the straight line heading hold code using an on board compass. For STL files and parts visit. , sourceContinue Reading
ReP_AL 3D Printed Lawn Mower – difficult test for the Mower to show how the docking procedure gets the Mower home no matter what….! 1. Docking for under the Trampoline. 2. Gets caught on the trampoline ladder 3. Missing the charge pins on the docking station 4. Still makes itContinue Reading
Testing the new 330 Monster upgrades. , sourceContinue Reading
Simulation of a mower within a 86 point geo fence. When the mower crosses the fence the software detects that the mower is outside (0) the fence. The mower simulator then stops the mower and sends the mower off in another direction. The live version will use latitude and longitudeContinue Reading