A Nova Scotia industrial mechanic invented a way to avoid pushing a lawn mower in 1989 — by building one that drove itself with the help of a remote control from a toy airplane. ➤ Read more on CBC Digital Archives: https://www.cbc.ca/archives/the-n-s-inventor-who-found-a-way-to-cut-down-on-yardwork-1.5564349 ➤ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/CBC-Subscribe — About CBC Gem: CBCContinue Reading

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In Episode 27 Jimbo takes the 420cc street legal go kart for its first road test. Tune in and see where we need to make improvements. Robot Cantina P.O. BOX 392 Michigan Center, Mi 49254 SPEEDUINO INFO Speeduino NO2C available at https://wtmtronics.com Mini Max VR signal conditioner available at https://wtmtronics.com/product/mini-max-a2-signal-conditioner-vr/Continue Reading