This video shows you how to make an electromagnet using magnet wire, a ferromagnetic core, and a battery. To view directions for a science project that uses electromagnets, see the “The Strength of an Electromagnet” Project Idea at Science Buddies: The materials to make the electromagnet shown in thisContinue Reading

? SUBSCRIBE for upcoming projects ▷ Circuit to safely control a Solenoid with an Arduino The danger of controlling a solenoid or a motor with an Arduino, is that the energy sent to the solenoid can be received back and burn the Arduino. To avoid this danger, inContinue Reading

First test with the solenoids and compass assembly. The Sketch is incorrect (actual code in arduining web page). A circular sequence of ON and OFF of the solenoids was used. Working to use an instance of the stepper class. Enjoy the music at less. More info: , sourceContinue Reading