Most Affordable LIDAR!: Hacking Neato Robot Vacuum Laser Scanner for your Robot Project. Use with any USB port, or GPIO serial port like that on a Raspberry Pi, with or without Robot operating system (ROS). This is a game-changer for your Raspberry Pi or Arduino Robot. ************************************************************************************** EDIT: Practical RoboticsContinue Reading

Are #robots capable of romance? Do they have a heart and soul? Will they be able to develop feelings? Should they have feelings? Or are they just here to help us in the transition to a sustainable world? Those are questions we ask ourselves at EEVE, but today we wantContinue Reading

My Patreon: Paypal-Donation Link on the bottom of this site: Paypal-Email-Address: Teardown of a Siemens Washing Machine: Reusing Washing Machine Motors (Thyristor Circuit): Ducted Propeller with Washing Machine Motor: , sourceContinue Reading

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to use a wireless Playstation 2 (PS2) joystick to pilot a robotic tank. An Arduino Uno board was used at the core of this project. It receives commands from the wireless controller and sets the speed of the motors. Full instructions at: Reading