If you find my videos helpful, you can say thank you and help me to make more tutorials with a cup of coffee or by picking up a copy of Practical Robotics in C++. Thank you for your support! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/practicalrobot Practical Robotics in C++: https://amzn.to/3CJAqHs Roomba Wheels: https://amzn.to/3CICvnb As anContinue Reading

Most Affordable LIDAR!: Hacking Neato Robot Vacuum Laser Scanner for your Robot Project. Use with any USB port, or GPIO serial port like that on a Raspberry Pi, with or without Robot operating system (ROS). This is a game-changer for your Raspberry Pi or Arduino Robot. ************************************************************************************** EDIT: Practical RoboticsContinue Reading

behold! the worlds first flying roomba! Also big shout out to my boi @William Osman for helping with the video edit! @Jabrils @Tom Stanton @William Osman @Allen Pan – Sufficiently Advanced @NileRed MY WEBSITE:::::::::::: https://goo.gl/87uDQK Amazon affiliate links (these help grow the channel, every purchase gets me a small percentageContinue Reading