This week @adafruit we’re 3D printing cases for floppy drives. Prototyping an etch-a-sketch inspired drawing handheld using 2.4in TFT FeatherWing and CircuitPython. The timelapse this week is a print-in-place articulated fish printed in MatterHackers Quantum PLA filament. Radical! 2.4in TFT FeatherWing Feather M4 Quantum Filament Matterhackers – Reading

PANTECH e- LEARNING In Association PIMPRI CHINCWAD —————————————————————————————————– EV Design 1 Month Internship Rs 999.00 Apply Now: Topics EV Design ✅ Day -1 Electric Vehicle | MATLAB – Simulink Introduction ✅ Day -2 Electric Vehicle Introduction ✅ Day -3 Forces on EV Calculations ✅ Day -4 Power for EVContinue Reading

Notes document is available here: ( Join here for the chat all week: The CircuitPython Weekly happens normally at 2pm ET/11am PT on Mondays. Check the #circuitpython-dev channel on Discord for notices of change in time and links to past meetings. Meeting times are also available in iCal formatContinue Reading

CodeHS is a comprehensive computer science teaching platform for middle schools and high schools. We provide web-based curriculum, teacher tools and resources, and professional development. Sign up for a CodeHS account at today and continue through our curriculum! (Note: The CodeHS curriculum is free for all schools.) , Reading