Thank you very much for my first 100 subscribers, I appreciate your support! Here is a short tutorial on how to create fireworks animation with Arduino UNO and transparent 128×64 OLED display with SSD1306 or SSD1309 driver chip, using u8g graphics library, Wokwi online Arduino simulator, and creating graphics inContinue Reading

This week @adafruit we’re 3D printing cases for floppy drives. Prototyping an etch-a-sketch inspired drawing handheld using 2.4in TFT FeatherWing and CircuitPython. The timelapse this week is a print-in-place articulated fish printed in MatterHackers Quantum PLA filament. Radical! 2.4in TFT FeatherWing Feather M4 Quantum Filament Matterhackers – Reading

Notes document is available here: ( Join here for the chat all week: The CircuitPython Weekly happens normally at 2pm ET/11am PT on Mondays. Check the #circuitpython-dev channel on Discord for notices of change in time and links to past meetings. Meeting times are also available in iCal formatContinue Reading

Estamos ampliando más la información sobre robótica educativa, luego de nuestra visita a la fábrica de los robots en diversos modelos y diseños, programables con Arduino y con tecnología Micro Bit. Se cuenta con un catálogo amplio, además de repuestos y accesorios. Pedidos a: Puede obtener información sobre ArduinoContinue Reading