Merubah Mobil aki anak menjadi gokart mesin sepeda motor, atau biasa disebut gokart power wheels, mesin yang digunakan adalah mesin sepeda motor Honda legenda Proses pembuatannya sama seperti membuat gokart pada umumnya, hanya saja harus menyesuaikan rangka dengan body mobil tersebut Semoga video ini bermanfaat dan terimakasih wa 081372350742 #gokartpowerwheells#mobilbatremesinmotorContinue Reading

In Episode 5 we push the $99 stage one Predator 212 cc engine to the MAX. How fast can we get this Honda Insight to go? Robot Cantina P.O. BOX 392 Michigan Center, Mi 49254 Episode 1. Episode 2. Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Reading

Homemade drill powered electric gokart for kids. Made from 21mm plywood, wheelbarrow wheels, some tubes, old bicycle parts. and old 9.6v screwdriver. Basic tools are used. p.s. Screwdriver is without automatic chuck lock, so it turns freely even without power. p.p.s. Chainguard is reccomended. Here are some dimensions (if buildingContinue Reading

In Episode 27 Jimbo takes the 420cc street legal go kart for its first road test. Tune in and see where we need to make improvements. Robot Cantina P.O. BOX 392 Michigan Center, Mi 49254 SPEEDUINO INFO Speeduino NO2C available at Mini Max VR signal conditioner available at Reading