ENG)自製加油打氣機器人 Homemade Dancing Robot for Cheering【手工耿Handy Geng】
自製加油打氣機器人 Homemade Dancing Robot for Cheering 老弟終於下定決心要減肥了,作為哥哥我當然也得盡力幫幫忙,於是我做了這個機器人,希望可以在他運動時為他加油打氣! My brother finally made up his mind to lose weight. As a brother, I want to help out as much as I can, so I made this robot to cheer for him when his working out! ____________________________________________ 🔥人氣經典不容錯過 The MUST-WATCHED🔥 「電動“香皂車” Electric Car」https://youtu.be/iBz6voaxh2QContinue Reading