Automated Lawn Mower – Arduino Project
Automated Lawn Mower – Arduino Project , sourceContinue Reading
DIY Robot Mower – Arduino
Arduino based Bluetooth controlled robot mower initial testing Website: Facebook: , sourceContinue Reading
3D printed DIY Robot Lawn Mower Wire Tracking and Mowing
My 3D prined Lawn Mower Available on Thingiverse Visit for more info , sourceContinue Reading
Murray Electric Riding Mower Conversion
My attempt at converting a Gas Riding Mower to Electric. In this video you will see the finished product of the conversion. It uses a 44V-48V lithium battery pack from a GM/Chevy Volt as the power source. My newer conversion is available here: John Deere Electric Conversion: GoKart ElectricContinue Reading
Get $13 off any Gadget Discovery Club plan by using my link and discount code – Use code “RCTESTFLIGHT” to get the discount. HobbyWing FOC Brushless Motor: Phantom Angle battery manager: Solar charger: Wireless earbuds: , sourceContinue Reading
Time-lapse of 3D printing pegs for a cable for robotic mower
Usefull 3D printable items Robomow RC304. Time lapse of sequentially-printing 14 wire pegs to secure the perimeter-wire of the Robomow-lawn mower. After about a half hour (30 seconds into the video) I pop off the second printed peg to check and measure it. sourceContinue Reading
Arduino robotic lawn mower DIY robomow 2 build DIY build
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First Impressions of the STIHL iMow robotic lawn mower
The STIHL iMow 632 P is a self-charging, self-mowing robotic lawn mower that will cut large lawns of up to one acre in size. With its powerful lithium-ion battery and 12 inch cutting width, the RMI 632 P can mow up to 150 minutes per charge. iMow is loaded withContinue Reading
homemade robotic lawn mower
ItIs theReaper is the robotic lawn mower built from two italian students in 2016 at the age of 18 for their thesis of maturity. It doesn’t need wire thanks to its distance sensors. Each part, both electrical and mechanical, is projected and realized by the two students. Thanks for watchingContinue Reading