Calculating square area by arduino
This isn’t a tutorial video , sourceContinue Reading
This isn’t a tutorial video , sourceContinue Reading
This video is about P1130456 sourceContinue Reading
This is Arduino Uno board placed in a nice 3D printed plastic box. The embedded image can be customised under request. The product can be purchased here : , sourceContinue Reading
Can I make him talk? That’s what I am trying to figure out in this video which is kind of a start to a bigger project where I am making a big 3D-printed figure that I want to make sounds whenever it detects movement. It was really fun getting backContinue Reading , sourceContinue Reading
Partie1: *************************************************************************** Partie3 : *************************************************************************** ArduBlock Education application : *********************************************************************************** Programme Robot eviteur d’obstacle Ardublock : ******************************************************************************************* ArduBlockÉducation est un plugin qui s’intègre à l’IDE d’Arduino™ (logiciel de base de programmation Arduino™). Basé sur le même principeque Scratch (empilement de blocs fonctions, tests, etc.), ArduBlockÉducation est une versionContinue Reading
In this tutorial we will learn how to make a simple mosquito repellent using arduino and a piezo buzzer. The buzzer will emit the silent (to human ear) frequency of 31kHz, this frequency is known to repell the mosquitoes and you can adjust the frequency to your needs as well.Continue Reading
Code at comment , sourceContinue Reading hier ein schon viele Jahre altes altes RCX-Projekt: ein “echter” Rasenmäher-Robot mit 12V-Industriemotoren, gesteuert von einem Lego Mindstorms RCX über mehrere Relais und H-Brücken. Die Bilder und Videos waren lange verschollen, wir haben sie jetzt wiedergefunden. Dieses Video zeigt, wie der Roboter auf Hindernisse mit seinen Berührungs-Sensoren (integriert inContinue Reading