Best Motor for Wind Turbine: Complete List with Features & Details – 2019
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1. EUDAX Motor for Wind Turbine Review
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• Motor Body Diameter:24mm/0.94″;Motor Height:22.21mm/0.87″Shaft
• Great fun Motor,perfect for mini fan,electric toys and science experiments etc

2. Topoox Motor for Wind Turbine Review
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• Perfect for mini fan, STEM project and windmill science projectetc
• Easy to install and save, put them in a sealed bag
• This 300 hobby motor is a general purpose motor, work with batteries

3. YaeTek Motor for Wind Turbine Review
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• This motors are used in diverse applications including robots, electric scooters
• Installment pitch of holes:42-95(4 holes)
• The shaft rides in two high-quality ball bearings

4. Walfront Motor Review
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• This motor features high speed 3000/6000rpm and large torque
• This permanent magnet DC motor is ideal for DIY generator

5. pranovo Motor Wind Turbine Review
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• It is a micro motor wind turbine generator
• Motor outer diameter: 24mm
• Motor shaft diameter: 2mm

6. RIYIN Motor Wind Turbine Review
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CA ► ◄

• It is a 120V wind generator, speed: 3500rpm.
• Front and rear with ball bearing.

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2. Gikfun Motor –

If any of the questions arise in your mind, ask in the comment below, we will try to reply as soon as possible!
We can answer the following types of questions (if you want to know)

Which wind turbine is most efficient?
What are the three basic requirements for a successful wind project?
Do you need planning permission for wind turbine?
Do they turn off wind turbines?
What keeps wind turbines from spinning too fast during really high winds?
What is the ideal wind speed for a wind turbine?
How many bald eagles die from wind turbines?
Why wind power is bad?
Why do wind turbines stop in high winds?
How far away can you hear wind turbines?
Can I put a wind turbine on my roof?
Is wind power worth the cost?
How much power does a wind turbine produce per day?
How big of a wind turbine do you need to run a house?
How many birds die from flying into buildings each year?
Is wind energy cost effective?
Do wind farms make money?
How reliable is wind energy?
Why do wind turbines turn when there is no wind?

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  1. The average Australian household consumes 30kW.hours of electricity per day!
    WITH any functional/useful wind turbine that means you would need at least (average OUTPUT) to be able to support that consumption!
    Any significant portion of production during sleeping hours/'fridge only' concumption periods would be lost or need to pass in and out of rechargeable storage!)
    The 'swept area' of the (VAWT) collector/head, to collect that much energy will be NO LESS THAN 9m2, for a geographic location with an average annual wind speed of 6m/s!
    LESS that 30kW.hrs/day needed <9m2 @ 6m/s! MORE than 6m/s averge annual wind speed also needs LESS collection area!
    SOME locations MAY have INCREASED 'seasonal' demand at times when wind speeds are lower or higher!
    Wind map for MONTH of HIGHEST power needs SHOULD be considered!
    Video was dissapointing! (NO consistant power ratings, all were just just toys!)

  2. Best motor for a hobby project.. not any real wind turbine.. this is looking like a joke.. or clickbait.

  3. If you collect the amount of gas you are farting; that can produce more burning fuel to run a turbine. Idiots.

  4. she'd be more useful laying on her back than any of these motors used for wind power.

  5. The number one wind generator motor is a hobby lobby mini fan special. kay.

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