This is an self-driving (autonomous) Ardumower robot mower added with cm-precise RTK-GPS (Piksi Multi) and without any perimeter wire. The auto-pilot software features arbitrary shapes and patterns, automatic path layouts, arbitrary clearance distance to obstacles and perimeter, shortest-path finding with obstacle avoidance and simulation mode.
Ein autonom fahrender Ardumower-Rasenroboter mit cm-genauer Ortung (Piksi Multi RTK-GPS). Die Auto-Pilot Software unterstützt beliebige Rasen-Formen und Mäh-Muster, automatisches Layout, beliebiger Abstände zu Rändern, Hindernissen, kürzeste Weg-Suche mit Hindernisumgehung und Simulations-Modus.




  1. Guten Tag. Mit welcher Oberfläche werden die Koordinaten dargestellt ?
    Ist diese auch als App erhältlich ?

  2. Hi. I wanna do the same as you, how con I do it, do you have any tutorial, or you are comercial

  3. Nice! Is this implemented in master branch of ardumower in githab, or do you have your own branch?

  4. Very nice and impressive. Is the motion shown on the video at real-time speeds? The path generation is well done.

  5. Do you have to define the obstacles or can it just deal with obstacles and go around them as it finds them ? Or both ? What if a mowing area had 100 square obstacles. Could it mow that and mow around each one it encounters ? And then could the obstacles show on the map ? thanks, Shawn

  6. Previously your piksi GPS suffered from reflections on trees. How did you address that to acheive this performance? Are you using some sort of filtering combined with wheel odometry?

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