Testing Ardumower rear driven (driven wheel back) versus front driven (driven wheel front) for climbing up mountains. The rear-driven Ardumower uses default Ardumower tires. Although the front-driven uses pushcart tires with higher traction, the rear-driven wins 🙂 More info: https://wiki.ardumower.de/index.php?title=Ardumower_Chassis_%27mountain_mod%27 , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FsVMA81zLS8/hqdefault.jpg sourceContinue Reading

http://grauonline.de/cms2/?page_id=153 This is an self-driving (autonomous) Ardumower robot mower added with cm-precise RTK-GPS (Piksi Multi) and without any perimeter wire. The auto-pilot software features arbitrary shapes and patterns, automatic path layouts, arbitrary clearance distance to obstacles and perimeter, shortest-path finding with obstacle avoidance and simulation mode. Ein autonom fahrender Ardumower-RasenroboterContinue Reading

It can mow like on rails. This is an RTK GPS-based robot mower that you can build yourself (DIY kit). Ardumower RTK doesn’t need a perimeter wire as it uses cm-precise RTK GPS. 1) Get your DIY kit here: https://www.marotronics.de/Home-page 2) More details and build instructions: http://wiki.ardumower.de/index.php?title=Ardumower_Sunray , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/yDcmS5zdj90/hqdefault.jpg sourceContinue Reading