An Arduino with a MegaMoto shield to drive a motor as a large RC servo. The Arduino runs the PID positioning algorithm which the MegaMoto uses to drive the motor. The motor has a 10k POT attached that feeds position values back to the Arduino. Arduino sketch here: ,Continue Reading

Available on HRX217HYA and HZA models, Hondas exclusive Cruise Control Hydrostatic Transmission allows you to select and set a comfortable speed between 0 and 4 miles per hour. You can easily mow at your own pace, or quickly adjust to a precise speed.Ekstra Tags: lawn mower racing lawn mower lawnContinue Reading

Chillaxin’ while mowing the lawn… Mowing the lawn with my thumb. Big Thanks to Jennifer, my wife; Mike for the lawn mower; Kent for the guidance, multiple YouTube Videos and websites and my wonderful facebook Friends for encouragement. Come see this at Makers Faire in Fort Wayne on Sept. 14th,Continue Reading