This Arduino Car can track and follow humans ###################### FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Second YT channel(Otaku Artist) ► MEVUE: (@Ankush_Tech_Creator) ► INSTAGRAM: (@ankush_tech_creator) ► TWITTER: (@ATC_YT_2014) ► FACEBOOK: (@ankushtechcreator) ► ###################### Have a question? Ask in the comment section below. ###################### Consider Subscribing: Reading

Instagram: Continuando o projeto do aspirador de pó robô, nesse vídeo começo a central de comando e a confecção da tela touch, a programação para que apareça os botões e alguns comandos básicos que serão acionados por ele. Nos próximos passos, serão feitos a colocação dos sensores, mapeamento eContinue Reading

Ive been wanting to do this project for ten years. Its a Pride Jazzy wheelchair and a craftsman mower. I didnt like the designs I was seeing on the net so I went another direction. I wanted to be able to attach other implements. The shock is there in placeContinue Reading

If you are interested in Arduino, programming and robotics, then subscribe to the channel and the like! online store:… #ARDUINO #TOP 10 # Projects #LIKE #MODULES FOR ARDUINO #arduino projects #best top 10 arduino project #servo #DIY #How to Make #how to make robot #Robot #DIY Projects #do it yourselfContinue Reading

Exciting, Dangerous and damn right bizarre forms of motor sport, that’s what Madder Maxx has to offer. In this episode presenter Dougie Brimson is back at the drag ship with some of the top drag bike fuel racers including Steve Woolatt and Neil Curtis. In Golden Oldies we visit NewContinue Reading