A bottle of Ferrari and Ambrogio Robot. Two Made in Italy brands that enter all homes, large and small, who love good, beautiful things that express Italian excellence. Live, Enjoy and Love Your Garden! #AmbrogioRobot Web Site: http://www.ambrogiorobot.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ambrogiorobot Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ambrogiorobot/ sourceContinue Reading

Testing Ardumower rear driven (driven wheel back) versus front driven (driven wheel front) for climbing up mountains. The rear-driven Ardumower uses default Ardumower tires. Although the front-driven uses pushcart tires with higher traction, the rear-driven wins 🙂 More info: https://wiki.ardumower.de/index.php?title=Ardumower_Chassis_%27mountain_mod%27 , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FsVMA81zLS8/hqdefault.jpg sourceContinue Reading

http://grauonline.de/cms2/?page_id=153 This is an self-driving (autonomous) Ardumower robot mower added with cm-precise RTK-GPS (Piksi Multi) and without any perimeter wire. The auto-pilot software features arbitrary shapes and patterns, automatic path layouts, arbitrary clearance distance to obstacles and perimeter, shortest-path finding with obstacle avoidance and simulation mode. Ein autonom fahrender Ardumower-RasenroboterContinue Reading

For more details visit http://www.ardumower.de -Das Video wurde 3x schneller gedreht -Dies ist KEINE ebene Fläche, sondern eine Hügelfläche mit Gefälle – ohne Kompaß würde der Roboter hier ständig vom Kurs abkommen (kreuz und quer fahren) -Alles OHNE Odometrie, daher noch der zufällige Rasenversatz -In den (noch zu langen) PausenContinue Reading

It can mow like on rails. This is an RTK GPS-based robot mower that you can build yourself (DIY kit). Ardumower RTK doesn’t need a perimeter wire as it uses cm-precise RTK GPS. 1) Get your DIY kit here: https://www.marotronics.de/Home-page 2) More details and build instructions: http://wiki.ardumower.de/index.php?title=Ardumower_Sunray , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/yDcmS5zdj90/hqdefault.jpg sourceContinue Reading