Yes indeed! – The Amazing Arduino controlled, ultrasonic and RGB sensor Robot Lawnmower project continues… with a faster, more aggressive cutting motor and a safety switch! – There will be a delay before the next release due to a festival next weekend! – SORRY! :-p Thumbs-up and subscribe please! ,Continue Reading

Homemade drill powered electric gokart for kids. Made from 21mm plywood, wheelbarrow wheels, some tubes, old bicycle parts. and old 9.6v screwdriver. Basic tools are used. p.s. Screwdriver is without automatic chuck lock, so it turns freely even without power. p.p.s. Chainguard is reccomended. Here are some dimensions (if buildingContinue Reading

In diesem Video zeigen wir dir, wie du mit Hilfe von Arduino dein Powerbrain, Module und Sensoren selbst programmieren und steuern kannst. Wir zeigen dir die ersten Installationsschritte in Arduino um das Powerbrain als Board zu aktivieren und wie du bereits fertige Beispiel Sketches auf das Powerbrain laden kannst. AmContinue Reading