Obstacle avoidance is an essential topic for self-driving vehicles. In this discussion, we often hear the word “LIDAR.” These devices recently got cheaper and affordable for many Makers. But are they worth your money for obstacle avoidance? Links: RPLidar A1: https://www.dfrobot.com/blog-867.html Supporting Material and Blog Page: http://www.sensorsiot.org Github: https://www.github.com/sensorsiot MyContinue Reading

This is the first test drive of the PiMowBot, a Raspberry Pi based robotic lawn mower. Most parts of the PiMowBot lawnmower robot (the entire housing, chassis, and essential parts of the PiMowBot cutterbar) are selfmade using 3D printing technologies. Please visit http://pimowbot.tgd-consulting.de for detailed information. , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3cgFj2plHrI/hqdefault.jpg sourceContinue Reading

Part #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrWBQBgoqf0 Alexa Taking out the trash https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=sFJE_PsUlm8 5V-36V 350W DC Brushless Motor Controller BLDC PWM Driver Board https://goo.gl/qnQ32U Specification : Operating voltage: DC 12V-36V Operating Current: less than or=15A Driver Power: less than or =500W Speed Voltage: 0.1V-5V Operating Temperature:-40-85C Humidity: 90%RH Stall protection:Yes Enable Control: Yes Over-currentContinue Reading