Ardumower – compass keeps robot on track! –
The compass (actually an IMU) keeps the robot mower on track. More details: , sourceContinue Reading
The compass (actually an IMU) keeps the robot mower on track. More details: , sourceContinue Reading
Testing the straight line heading hold code using an on board compass. For STL files and parts visit. , sourceContinue Reading
Arduino controlled robot car has GPS navigation and a compass for steering. Finds its way back home within 1 to 3 meters. The GPS determines it’s location and the “home” position. Then it finds it’s current heading using the compass and determines a course for “home”, steers in that directionContinue Reading
First test with the solenoids and compass assembly. The Sketch is incorrect (actual code in arduining web page). A circular sequence of ON and OFF of the solenoids was used. Working to use an instance of the stepper class. Enjoy the music at less. More info: , sourceContinue Reading
Test out the new feature of Serial Monitor window on the Arduino Robot Joystick app using L293D motor driver by referring to this circuit diagram: and Arduino code: and additional reference pictures here: Make sure you use version 1.11 or higher of the app to use thisContinue Reading
This is a closeup of my Large Arduino Robot w Sabertooth motor controller Compass steering and Bluetooth control with Wheelchair electric motors. This video uses youtube labels which might not be seen with most mobile phones, best viewed using a computer. , sourceContinue Reading
This is the larger robot I am working on. I have removed the GPS module which allowed me to greatly simplify the Arduino code. This robot could easily be modified to be a bluetooth controlled robotic lawnmower. The steering is controlled by a compass, once the heading is entered viaContinue Reading
Arduino and android bluetooth controlled robot uses and Android app created with the MIT App Inventor program that controls robot movements. It also has an on-board GPS to steer “home” and a compass (hmc5883l magnetometer) for directional control. , sourceContinue Reading