Home-made robot lawn mower. Barbie Jeep + control system + blades & motors. Uses buried wire (electronic dog fence), bumpers, and flaps for navigation. Biased random steering. Transcript: So here’s the world famous pink and green lawn mower. Pink for these wheels — this thing started out life as aContinue Reading

En helt vanlig handdriven motorgräsklippare ombyggd till RC-klippare. Se även V1.1 på https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QaAc3yhKyao Gör också gärna ett besök på http://www.brunzell.com för att se hur RC-klipparen byggdes. sourceContinue Reading

Getting a bit lazy so I decided to build the RC lawn mower so I don’t have to actually push the mower 😀 (Forever….) – Most of previous build I searched on internet use Sabertooth motor controller and RC transceiver. – I choose a different approach to build my versionContinue Reading