This is my attempt at making a vehicle that runs off air! (It worked pretty good!) I built this with my V2 Compressed Air Engine

3D-Printer Files:
Car –
Engine –

Engine Video:

Parts List:
– 1 3D Printer
– 1 PLA Filament
– 1 V2 4 Stroke engine
– 6 7mm x 22mm x 8mm Ball Bearing
– 8 M3 x 10mm Machine Screw
– 5 M3 x 20mm Machine Screws
– 1 2L bottle
– 1 Tubeless Presta Valve
– 2 1/4in NPT pneumatic fittings
– 1 servo battery
– 1 9G servo
– 1 receiver/transmitter
– 1 double sided mounting tape
– 1 Adhesive Velcro

Hello! My name is Axel Dayton and I build a lot of stuff! The thing is I need your help to make videos in the future. All you need to do is comment a video idea down in the comments section and the most liked comment will be selected for a future video! Thank you so much for watching and please consider subscribing!

#engine #testing #airengine




  1. Have you tried using CO2 cartarage like integza did with his wankel engine ? If so , then what were the results ?

  2. this may be a stupid question but if you had the air engine converted to be turned by a electric motor wouldn’t that be a air compressor ? assuming it’s sealed well

  3. You should try to use dry ice with hot water in some kind of air tight chamber so that way it would last way longer than a pressurized bottle.

  4. This is very genius! Just add a regulator and it probably would run better. Also you should probably buy a resin 3D printer to get better quality parts than what you get with FDM.

    SLA printers print out smoother quality parts than with FDM because the material doesn’t get extruded layer by layer.

    This way, you don’t have to deal with Friction and you don’t have to sand it to make it smooth.

  5. hey axel you might try using two engines and using lower gearing like 1:0,8 or so and if you time it diffrently so lets say one is in power second is in exhaust and visa versa and make a better flywheel and better aero 🙂

  6. Maybe you could have the bottle over the the rear axle. It might make the burnouts less noticeable.(nice video)

  7. This is seriously impressive. I know it doesn't look all that fast and powerful but that's the reason cars aren't fitted with air engines and you made it work anyways.

    3d printed air engines are notorious for providing uneven torque. I feel like if you found a way to run the engine at optimal torque/rpm continuously the car would have a lot more potential. Can't wait for what follows!!

  8. So… I'm gonna be honest… I am mildly confused as to how this engine is a 4 stroke. I watched all your videos (as I am trying to make some engines myself) and I like your design a lot. I can see your engine technically has "4 strokes" but essentially all I can see is that your just cutting the amount of power strokes in half and then having a… kinda "blank" compression stroke which is probably losing you a lot of efficiency unfortunately. Granted I am sure you know this already.

    That being said though, since your cam is now running at half the speed of your engine, you should have much better control over your valve as it will be opening and closing at a much slower rate. So if you double lobed your cam, or heck, just bumped up the ratio even further (maybe 4:1?) and then just matched the lobes to the ratio of the cam gears… you could actually end up with a MEAN 2 stroke.

    I know that wasn't your goal with this engine… but… I mean… give it a shot and see what real potential your engine has.

    When you originally mentioned you were going to make a 4 stroke, I just figured you were going to do a double expansion engine or something (First piston exhausts into the second pistons intake stroke) which may still work if you are willing to try it… you have done all the hard work already which is getting the tolerances and the engine design nailed down, so that may be something you might want to try looking into.

  9. I’d recommend trying to cut up and glue an innertube for rubber on the wheels

    This will help the traction issue

  10. Use a Tom Stanton's idea to put a bottle on car, not on trolley.
    And, try to make a centrifugal compressor for powering the engine, like Integza made for his afterburner.

  11. Cool project! One thing I can recommend is maybe try using differential so the engine doesn't lose power on turns. Or, even try making it one-wheel drive to get the same effect without needing to put in a bulky differential. Cool project with lots of potential!

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