lawn mower vs RC race
Racing with an R/C Model vs a Lawn Mower at the Rock Creek Fall Fair 2013 Rock Creek, BC sourceContinue Reading
Racing with an R/C Model vs a Lawn Mower at the Rock Creek Fall Fair 2013 Rock Creek, BC sourceContinue Reading
The primary security feature on a Husqvarna Automower is the 4 digit PIN code. On original 300 and 400 series Automowers they came from the factory with a preset PIN code that could later be changed by the owner to something easier to remember. Many of the current models allowContinue Reading
A bit of Christmas break fun in the kitchen with the fabled Robot Lawnmower, BigTrak, and a Vaccum Cleaner from iRobot (Roomba). Guns for show, KNIVES for a pro!… Balloons and M&Ms! Thanks kindly to Vicky for putting up with my antics, and to Dave for his encouragement! Please ThumbsContinue Reading
my buddy turned his old shitty lawn mower in to a rc car. it’s funny as hell sourceContinue Reading
Nicolas Denisot, OROS application engineer, took the opportunity to stay at home to set up a testing area in his garden. A Lawn Mower and an OR10 and go for a real virbation diagnostic! , sourceContinue Reading
Zero Turn lawn mower converted to remote control. sourceContinue Reading
Finally, the pioneer of robotic vacuum cleaner, iRobot, is stepping outside into the garden. If you ask, it is long overdue progression, but at least, it is here, like, finally. The company has just announced its very first robotic lawn mower called, iRobot Terra Robot Mower. Read more: CheckContinue Reading
Tune in for an update of our work with Greenzie in creating an autonomous Stander ZK. In this video, we will walk through the process of operating the autonomous Stander ZK from start to finish. Demo a Wright:… Find Parts: Find your Local Wright Dealer: WRIGHTContinue Reading
By DIY you can save between $1500 and $2300 if you modify your present push-mower to a radio control mower. In my design I have four key features: remote starting/kill switch, great maneuverability, live video camera feed so you can even mow your lawn while setting inside your house, andContinue Reading