Arduino Robot Car Parte 3
Arduino Robot Car Parte 1 , sourceContinue Reading
Holiday Havoc | Pro Mod Compact Demolition Derby | Pleasant Hill, IL | 11-27-21
A great show put on by the pro mod compact drivers! We don’t typically have this class locally, but it might be making a way into the derby season next year. Thank you for watching! Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok! Carol Of the Bells by Audionautix isContinue Reading
babat tebon potong pohon jagung menggunakan mesin potong rumput
babat tebon jagung atau potong tebon jagung menggunakan mesin potong rumput sourceContinue Reading
Few people know about this function of the ANGLE GRINDER! Brilliant Invention!
Cool idea from a angle grinder! I wish I’d known about it before! Transformed my grinder into another useful machine. Thanks for watching! MY INSTAGRAM: , sourceContinue Reading
WORX WR140 Landroid M 20V Power Share Robotic Lawn Mower, Orange
Click here for the best price : This is an affiliate link WORX WR140 Landroid M 20V Power Share Robotic Lawn Mower, Orange FULLY AUTOMATED: The Landroid M cuts lawns up to ¼ acre all by itself. Just set the charging base, lay down the boundary wire, measure yourContinue Reading
엔진+전동 -전천후 #고소작업차 – HST무단변속 하이브리드#세웅 #오렌지종합농기계 010-4550-7677
주행중 배터리소모가 걱정인 분들 보세요 기존 전동형에 엔진이 하나 더 달려있다 보면 되겠습니다 내년1월 출시 예정입니다 엔진+전동 전천후 #고소작업차 – HST무단변속 하이브리드 #구독#좋아요 부탁드립니다!! sourceContinue Reading
smartphone as bluetooth remote for Arduino
I use “Arduino Bluetooth Controllerr” from Arduino Bluetooth Controller from (Estacado’s ltd.) , sourceContinue Reading
Assalamualaikum wr wb. Salam sejahtera untuk sobat youtube semua dan terimakasih yang sudah klik video ini , pada kesempatan video kali ini waktu potong rumput dikawasan sekitar pokok bunga melati putih dan jenis rumput yang di potong rumput lalang. Dan saya potong rumput menggunakan mesin rumput Husqvarna 542rbs dengan kapasitasContinue Reading