1. This was very easy to set up works exactly as advertised and does a great job keeping my yard looking perfectly manicured.>>>t.co/Ep6sZTPcda  My yard is about 4,000 square feet and flat. I have the mower (Cutter) set to mow once a day for about 95 minutes. I've used him for an entire season, stored him over the winter, in my basement brought him out this spring, pressed start in off he went. I am highly impressed.

  2. Of course that's the dealer's answer for everything. I have had only lack of response for a $3k mower that's never mowed, and the suggestions made by their so-called support team are laughable — except not funny when one has spent a fortune & still do not have a way to mow a simple city yard. It's difficult enough to be multiply disabled w/o support but to be ripped off too is just cruel.

  3. I bought one several months ago; has yet to mow once. And support from Corp and the local seller does not exist. Huge ripoff. As bad as Friendly Robotics support was, their mowers actually worked and did not require the additional $3k in specialty perimeter wiring & other hidden requirements Husqvarna neglects to mention in any pre-sale marketing hype. On paper this is a great concept; too bad it just doesn't work, & neither does their so-called support. Criminal thing to do to a customer.

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