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Here is first full test of my DIY cordless mower.
Charged up completely by the power of the Sun!

To mow both my front and back garden took approx 10 minutes, which is about a 10 minute saving on my previous mains powered mower.
Time is saved by not having to mess around flicking cables around as well as not having to empty a grass box a couple of times.
Battery went from 12.8volts to 12.4 volts…so still lots of juice left in it.
Mow area is approx 80m2.
I slow the video down on the sections where the mower bogs down.
It bogs down not due to having to cut the grass, but because of the mulching effect of the mower. But at no point does is stop, where as our old plug in mower would stop completely a good number of times. This battery mower is defo more powerful than our 1200w mains mower.
Front garden hasn’t been cut for two weeks, so a good 2 inches needed cutting off the grass and so the mower bogs down on occasion.
Back garden had a weeks growth – so about 1″ to cut. Mower handles this very well.




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