1. A bit tricky to get the wire set up. Read the directions twice. But, mowing is awesome!>>>t.co/Ep6sZTPcda  I have a large area so it mows 12 hours a day. There is a tuft here or there, but otherwise I don't have to do anything with the grass. Perfect, as I hate mowing.

  2. I just bought a 420x, I hope it works very well (2500 euros) + câble.

  3. 1. You still have to weed whack your lawn
    2. what if i have a fenced in back yard and a dog????

  4. Cool mower! I had a roomba and it worked well, but it cleaned the inside of my house which has physical boundaries. How do you keep this thing from mowing your neighbors lawn, or driving into the pool, or into the street and becoming a very expensive speed bump! I'm sure it has optical guidance like a roomba, but that won't keep it from mowing the neighborhood! grass is grass! lol!

  5. Odd concept. I pay $25, twice a month, which includes mowing, blowing, and bagging.

    The hardest part of the job is gathering all the grass clips and leaves(mower didn't pick up) and the bagging. If there was a automated solution for that, this auto mower would work

  6. I'm gonna sit right here, on the edge of my lawn chair, watch my mower mow my lawn,……and drink a beer! haha really cool technologies these days. Thanks guys love the vids, go TIA!

  7. Wondering how it works, does it do a map of the yard or does it randomly mow like some vacuums?

  8. Nice! Now just to add self changing implements! (Blower, dog poop scoop, aerator, fertilizer spreader, squirrel vac…) My dog would never go outside again after seeing this thing going in the yard.

  9. I would love to see that in action. A lot of questions about how it would work and how it knows the edge of lawn and trees and shrubs and all of that. I would never let it work at night with out keeping an eye on it. I don't think it would last very long. Might be the way of the future though. Now if it would just edge, and fertilize and weed and……………………………………….

  10. That is way cool, and now that I am single and don't have the o'lady or kids to cut the grass anymore (I have serious back issues) LOL.. Sounds like they hit all the points of concern.

  11. A little pricey, but cool.  Would like to see it in action on a non-perfect lawn, a 1 acre lot with a culvert, many trees, pool, and a deck.  Definitely a cool concept.

  12. Dan you had me at sit on the porch. Now we are on to something. I am loving this technology. They should add a feature like "find my iPhone" so you can track where it is if it gets stolen.

  13. These things look awesome. Not sure if I will ever be able to bite the updfront cost, but it would be awesome to have. Not sure if the dog would like it.
    Do you know if it maps the lawn or does it just mow randomly? Also, how does it know to stay out of certain areas like flower beds?

  14. Man that's crazy cool of huskvarna! Dan did u take one home? I hope they give u guys one to try out for a review!! T.I.A#1!!!!

  15. That is a very nice mower. But the price is a lot for those things. But if you are lazy like Dan here this is the perfect mower. Great Video Tia!!!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍.

  16. Pretty cool, takes the pride out of maintaining your lawn though. I wonder how you establish the boundaries for your yard with this?

  17. I wonder how this handles hills, dips, etc not just flat terrain..maybe they will send you a demo unit for your guys lawns

  18. Great product.

    They should step up the alarm function so it acts as a tazer for anyone that was trying to steal it. Just imagine the image of the would be thief doing the curly shuffle on the lawn as the mower cuts the grass around him. Lol

  19. Wow this crazy. This is exactly what I wanted haha . I was just joking when I first thought of it, I didn't kno it's been out there for a while . This is great but the price is a bit up there. Great review . Tia!

  20. Questions I would've liked asked:

    Can it mow a checkered or diagonal pattern?
    Is it dumb like the roomba in that it mows over the same spots multiple times or does it use gps to map out my lawn?

  21. pretty cool you guys but like the other guy said be careful what you wish for technology is no joke this day and age.

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