This turbine can be built for about half the cost of a 120 watt solar panel ($50), and will produce about ten times more power per day (5 kWh). It can be plugged into any appropriate waterway without the need for earthworks, and uses only standard off the shelf and recycled materials, and basic hand tools.
The turbine is now working and producing power. Full details in the video.
Part One here:

This is free power in terms of economically free, not thermodynamically free. As in, once the turbine is set up you won’t be paying anything per kilowatt hour it produces. You do still need to have the power in the water, in form of gravitational potential, to extract.
The turbine cannot and will not take any more power from the system than is already in it, this isn’t an over unity / free energy type thing.

Help directly support us creating more prototypes and tutorials by joining the channel:

This technology was produced in partnership with CADUS, a charitable and independent aid organisation who initiate innovative and sustainable projects focusing on need-based capacity building to help people help themselves.
To learn more, visit

Once the design is optimized I’ll produce a full open source construction tutorial on
the website:
the Facebook page:
and the Facebook group (which is the main discussion forum):

My name is Daniel Connell. I prototype and develop basic technologies which anyone can make using recycled materials and simple tools.
The aim is for everyone everywhere to be able to build and maintain their own infrastructure; producing their own energy, food, clean water, communications, and anything else they need.
All designs are open source and license free for any purpose, and full construction tutorials and how-tos are available on the website.

#water #turbine #DIY #hydro #renewable #energy




  1. i am very well interested in your technology man, here in the Philippines we have a lot of hydro source for your set-up i just wanna know where we could buy those turbines? and how much would that cost?

  2. Thanks for sharing so much valuable information. How can you help my country Haiti. Lot of places without electricity. Haiti needs help. I need to help my people with a type of social activities that will help them get light Please. What cost will be part of bringing you in Haiti

  3. i got other idea for your idea could chance world i got same idea for sumthing else it like it but bit diffrent, if had kids they building stuff like all time every min of day new things give them the toolsthey build better world, let sit on phone world never chance, why have hoarder in world because we got great mind build stuff, a clean home is boring mind just look at people got too much do they just sit around all day no they making things. don't be boring lifeless person never chance get stuff and make new things open mind to the wonder what u can build.

  4. Watter has arround 800 bigger density then air, so ressistence is in a similar proportion

  5. Suggestion: To improve eficiency; before the impeler fixed axel guide, inside the tube. You can instal on the shaft a Spinner, in cone format, to improve watter flow. Also on the impeler itself, instal a cone! Willl acelerate vater Speed a lot

  6. Congratulation, you are shering you knoledge! You are cooperating with the world development! Human kind improvment. Not destroying like many selfish

  7. I would change the computer vane axial style fan to a backward or forward incline assembly to eliminate the cavitation issue. if you wanted to keep with robbing the parts from other sources, several bath fan units come to mind. Electric furnace fans are another source, which would increase the size of the housing, but would also allow for a much larger generator source. An old 3 phase pump motor could be used for instance. The power generation (with a regulator) would likely power a small township.

  8. Why is the turbine located at the top of the drop and not at the bottom closer to the water outlet? Wouldn't more drop mean more pressure so the turbine will generate more? I have a 5 meter drop of constant water flowing on my property and really want to do this DIY.

  9. I think more of this type stuff should be taught in school with hands on instead of CRT.

  10. I am not an engineer, but, i was thinking. If you made a directional blade for each of the 3 mounts (the threadall that connects the center mount inside the tube that keeps the blade centered in the tube) wouldn't that direct the water flow to hit directly onto the fan blades more efficiently? Thus, making the fan spin faster. I would think that having those threadalls in there, brakes up the water so it doesn't hit the fan blades at full potential. A 3D printer could make those blades/fins, then just snap them onto the threadall mounts to direct the flow of water as it comes down the tube. So, kinda make the water to start swirling inside the tube, so it hits the fan blades in a more efficient manor. Could even place more fins/blades inside the tube above the fan to create even faster swirling.

  11. Would this not have the power to run a pump to refill the reservoir ? You could then pump water say up 10 feet to a tank , then run water through the system and collect it in another tank at the bottom then pump it back up. Making a perpetual water engine turbine ? If it can provide 5 kw per day , then surely this is feasible with power to spare .
    Or use it to charge batteries that in turn run the pump ? Or add a second shaft after the turbine to turn a pump to pump the water back up to the feed tank ? Or add more turbines to the pipe to make more electric for the pump ? I am sure there is a equilibrium that could be met to make this possible ? Could you not also just put this as a loop in a tank and kick start it? Once running would it not just be continuous ? I wish i was involved in this and had the basic knowledge to do the electronics . My mind is freaking out Man !

  12. Next time i see a hoverboard for free or cheap im getting it, should be broken batttery. What else could be used?

  13. Do you think we can use it with ground water pumped out with pressure to run turbine ? Water level is about 100Feet below ground level but pumped with water pump out . At least to recover some of energy and use for pumping water again ?

  14. Dear Sir,
    I want to purchase a set of Turbine including complete and setup here, so please tell me the price, Myself Bimal Kumar Dash, My No. is – 91-9438098189

  15. Very nice work! I like it!
    Have you tested, if some more fans in row may increase the efficiency?

  16. can you put like full tube of propelers? it will make more power for bigger generator? You can make little electric plantation with this shit?
    OK IM IN! Can you please send me notes how to build it so i can give it to my friend to build it?

  17. This man gives a most honest (no hype, no bullshit) descriptive explanation of his device – Showing the parts, their function and the resulting output…
    all in under 23 min – (257 dislikes on 06/06/2021) – I guess they haven't got a very long attention span — Ffs !

  18. studying all these microhydro projects for green crypto mining, currently at 37,000 btc and having 5kwh available daily you could generate roughly 350 usd/year. minus setup of course ha

  19. If your turbine sits at the top of the setup, what’s the purpose of the 2.5m pipe aside from guiding the flow of water?

  20. You should try a ram pump for filling your bucket it uses no electricity to work just a difference in air pressure to pull water uphill. There is video's on you tube that shows you how to build one. Great work hope this helps you.

  21. One suggestion…..maybe try to find some flex shaft like you find in any weedwacker….then the turbin fan could be 45° or so to the generator for more options for future designs.
    I love the hoverboard generator idea…Im going to start searching for as many used ones as I can find..
    Thanks for sharing your ideas… much love.

  22. Who could actually watch this whole thing to pick out the important parts????
    Honestly he could explain the mechanics of it and how it works in under a minute then go through all the details
    Thumbs down ?? ??

  23. but what is a purpose of having that hydrogenerator in the house when you have to power the water pump?

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