In the ninth Arduino tutorial I briefly go over some of the uses of a common servo motor. A servo is used in applications which require a controlled range of motion and provide greater control than a regular DC motor.
Getting started with the Arduino servo library is extremely simple and should be easily accessible to anyone who is looking to get started with electronics.

Let me know if you have any questions and once again thank you for watching!

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Keywords & Search Terms:
Hobbyist Servo
RC Servo
RC Car
RC Plane
Servo Control
Motion Control
Software Debouncing
Software De bouncing
Hardware Debouncing
Arduino Tutorial
Arduino Button
Arduino Debouncing
Hardware Button
LED Toggling
LED Blinking
LED Arduino
Arduino Tone
Piezzo Speaker
Piezzo Buzzer
Arduino Sound
Arduino Music
Mario Arduino
Super Mario Theme
Mario on Arduino




  1. #include <Servo.h>

    #define pinServo 3
    #define pinButt1 4
    #define pinButt2 5
    #define pinButt3 6

    Servo myservo;

    void setup() {

    pinMode( pinButt1,INPUT );
    pinMode( pinButt2,INPUT );
    pinMode( pinButt3,INPUT );


    void loop() {
    if (digitalRead(pinButt1) == 1 ) myservo.write(0);
    if (digitalRead(pinButt2) == 1 ) myservo.write(90);
    if (digitalRead(pinButt3) == 1 ) myservo.write(180);


  2. I am having a huge trouble in using sg 90 servo as the torque is not sufficient in lifting a 200 g weight vertically via a wooden arm. so does mg 995 servo has enough torque.

  3. @1:07, they're called control arms. @1:54, ground is generally black or brown. center wire is always V+, usually red or orange, signal is usually white or yellow. If in doubt, search "datasheet" part number. ie 'datasheet mg995'. when vibrating on limit, back off limit till it stops vibrating, otherwise it's pulling more current than normal.

  4. I'd like to know how to program a 180 degree and stop. Then press a capasitive touch button and another 180 degree and stop. I need it for a door that opens and closes. Thanks.

  5. can i use this as a car steering….. with arduino…… when i press right it turned right and when i release it…. it back to his original position …. and it gonna be the same to left….. can arduino do that…..

  6. Can you tell me what components i will require where I want a servo motor with 180 degree rotation and where I need to change the product with which rechargeable battery and a illuminated switch or vibrator where I should know whether the motor is on or off… All these things should fit in 6 by 6 cm of area

  7. What is the purpose of using the initializer "Servo" and what is the purpose of using the variable "servo1" next to it?

  8. thank you for your helping! but why does mine slide without suddenly stopping when it changes direction?

  9. How would I use a servo connected with an audrino and using one channel RF control and transmitter ?

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