My Robot Lawn Mower,, the Worx Landroid WG795E. That I made a Li-ion battery for last year,, is now not running at all!! It’s the battery that is messing with me,, so nothing really wrong with the WORX,,itself.

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My PlayHouse is a channel where i will show, what i am working on. I have this house, it is 168 Square Meters / 1808.3ft² and it is full, of half-finished projects.

I love working with heating, insulation, Servers, computers, Datacenter, green power, alternative energy, solar, wind and more. It all costs, but I’m trying to get the most out of my money, and my time.




  1. The heat from soldering close to the pack may have damaged the old cells. Ideally you'd use a spot welder for making battery packs, but that's a significant investment (~€100 for a cheap chinese one, but you can make one from an old microwave transformer)

  2. You need to book up on lithium batteries. The laptop batteries are a low-current discharge type. You need much better batteries for running electric motors. You have to do the math. Calculate your current requirement and match the battery C-rate for charge and discharge. Use an appropriate charge rate and a good digital LiPo charger. If you puff your LiPo cells you are moving energy in or out too quickly or exceeding 4.2V per cell.

  3. I think you should just get a new battery for your mower and avoid burning down your home

  4. Should probably forward a copy of this video to your homeowners insurance company so they can sell you the "fearless freep" high risk policy.

  5. Just get a gas mower, they don’t suck and you don’t look like a stinky hipster using one

  6. re: Soldering, what kind of flux are you using. It was likely what I hear referred to as a cold joint, by some, if you just soldered it, yesterday, that's about all it can be. If you don't get the underlying metal warm, and clean enough, it will not form a good solder joint.

    I originally started writing to you, when you bench charged the battery, which is below…

    If it wasn't dead when you took it out, it will be soon. If you don't charge it by the lithium charging protocol. You CANNOT just charge them like a NiCad. I don't remember the correct sequence, I rely on the silicon chips in the chargers. But it is something like constant V & % of C Amps until 95% charged, then constant amps, et al, THAT's why I don't try to remember it, LOL..

    If you built that battery, how could you not have discovered it when you researched how to do it? One of the first things Battery U emphasized, when I learned about them, was to charge lithiums correctly

    I build and re-build lithium tool batteries. I gave up on BMS chips. I use a battery tender, which gives me ind cell voltage & total battery charge. If I see an imbalance, I use a hobby charger, which can balance the unit.

    If there's no imbalance, I stick it in the OEM charger, if it was a lithium. I have a couple of old ni-cad/NiMH tools OEM chargers gutted and re-wired to a charger card from China.

    If you have many lithium driven devices, it can be a lot easier, if YOU become the BMS.

    95% of multi cell battery failures are due to cheap BMS cards failing. What's interesting, is from a 350 battery, random sample I did, personally, I also found only about 5% dead cells. Some of them were still holding a charge after 8 years! I am using them, 4-5 years later, to power my cordless phone.

    ANY device running on 3 alkaline cells will run fine on 1 lithium. A LOT of two cell devices run fine, as well.

    Oh, don't believe the story that lithium cells under a certain voltage are garbage. Not so. Get a $3.49 single, or double cell lithium charger from China, via eBay; they don't care about low voltage. I've brought them back from milli-volts.

  7. Just solder in some new cells. They are cheap and easy to get. Polymers have higher capacity output. The ions will work too. Too bad it killed itself. That sucks ?

  8. Your holding your iron to long and you not using flux it makes a big difference in your solder make sure the solder is rosin core also it helps to use alligator helping hand solder tool to hold things in place

  9. don't worry, that it quit working!!!! At least it didn't burn your house down like about 17 have in the USA… Yours must have liked you?

  10. Would anyone else calculate the age of the machine and just bought a new battery and be done with it?

  11. You got same soldering Weller as i got, nice.

    Don't over charge your cells like that.
    Don't winter store cells charged or connected to balancer. It likely completely drained the pack during the winter months.
    I hope you used self balancing 18650 if using them. Flat cells are superior… And easy to tell if problems…

  12. I agree with the other comments here, that BMS did not do it's job. It seems that when one cell went short the charging voltage was then shared between the other good cells and over charged them causing them to swell up. You may have the same issue with the 18650s, check out that BMS.

  13. LI batteries do not like freezing, or worse: charging while below 0. If they were in the cold all winter, the winter may have killed them.

  14. Thats my big fear on a Solar powered battery in Northern Michigan. I have recorded 3 solid months of NO SUNSHINE in the winter months. Michigan is trying to scam taxpayers into installing solar panels on homes saying 0 percent interest rates on loans for the equipment that wont even be owned by the home owner. We have what is commonly known as lake effect weather. Essentually, it is moisture being picked up from the great lakes and creates never ending cloud layers over land. This effects our weather as well as temperatures over all. Solar Power is almost useless in our environment yet someone in government decided its a viable energy source here when it is not. Wind might be feasable except we rely on our natural beauty to attract tourism here in our state. No one wants family vacation pictures of a huge wind turbine in the back ground. Not to mention wind is not guaranteed all the time here. Most times when we do get wind, its very destructive. again, a product of the Great Lakes.

  15. just to mention these , lipo laptop cells are designed for 2-3 amp current draw , that lawnmower will draw sometimes over 10 amps .. that causes the batteries to break down , plus you used a li ion bms module on a lipo pack , lipo batterys have a different full "voltage" limit then liion .. ,next thing your charging base (the one that came with the lawnmower) probably came designed for liion or lead batterys (if its very old) but never was designed for lipo

  16. This video has 13.789 right now, not bad! ( I wish to understand better the logic of Youtube )

  17. Aluminium is tricky to solder but it takes pb-sn allow with high temperatures and good rosin.
    Took me a while to learn how to do itand on lipos is even harder as the cell must not be overheated.

    And btw, all this mowing crap is quite contributing to green house gases emisions and impefes capture.

    Grass is capturing carbin too.

  18. Bad batteries but I really wouldn't leave my electric lawnmower out in the weather, if it were me. Just saying….

  19. Smells like artificial ice cream? All ice cream is artificial, mother nature doesn't make ice cream. LMFAO.

  20. It seems a little ironic that the lawnmower carries the name WORX, when it clearly does not work.

  21. I'm willing to bet, running 3 cells in parallel acting as a single cell caused either over or undercharging of the cells. You'd want all 3 cells in parallel to be balanced.

  22. 11.50 that my friend is called planned obsolescence they force people to buy a new battery that way…

  23. The nice thing about all this is, you did the right thing giving the cell some toilet paper cause it took a SHIT. LMAO ????

  24. Those cells don't like being left outside, its known that they can be killed quickly (contractors have this issue with powertools run on lithium batteries including those 18660 cells!

  25. if you try to charge any at all in freezing temp it will destroy the cells they must be above a certain temp to charge did you leave the charger on all winter?

  26. That BMS is no good. Any cell above 4.2v should cause it to disconnect from the charging source. Secondly the reason the BMS would not allow any output is due to the 0v cell.
    Personally I would not even attempt using the 18650 pack without a new quality BMS. You were lucky that the pouch cells only puffed up when the voltage exceeded 4.3v but the 18650s will explode at 4.4v or above!

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