See my article at about reverse-engineering the self-balancing scooter hoverboard serial protocol!




  1. hi there! i can't seem to find any details on how to connect up my arduino to the hoverboard motherboard. I'm using an arduino mini

  2. hi my friend how are you, i want ask you some question can give me your mobile or send whatsapp for me on my number is +971506233371, please, i want now how to connect the battery and PIC

  3. Hello, I am currently trying to operate a similar project whereby I have a hoverboard 300W brushless motor connected to an 40A electronic speed controller, which is controlled via a throttle connected to an Arduino Mega, all powered by a 6-s Lipo battery pack. An issue I have is when I calibrate the ESC and turn the throttle from minimum, the motors do not rotate they simply vibrate, however, once I give them a push, they begin operating perfectly and respond to the throttle by accelerating/decelerating accordingly, however, once the throttle goes too low, it begins vibrating and gets stuck in that mode. What do you think could cause this issue?

    I don't know whether it is an error in my calibration of the ESC or through my Arduino code

  4. Boa tarde pretendo montar um sistema desses para uma trabalho de faculdade você pode me ajudar eu não consigo acessar o site que você deixou para baixar por favor você pode me ajudar

  5. @andrew dinbitz, Do you have any schematics or a how-to… please please.. and can you get it to go forward and reverse?

  6. Dear friend
    what is the type of smart balance wheel's motor ? is it ( stepper motor ??) and what is the driver shelled i can use with Arduino UNO or MEGA ?

  7. Hi , thanks for the video and the efforts to open those cool machines 🙂 Could you provide a simple wiring schematics (I have students who want to use this for a cheap electri wheelchair)? Thx ! Kevin

  8. suggestion: try to drive it like a stepper or a servo, thru steps to change or hold position as used in brushless gimbals

  9. Do you have any idea of the voltage used or the amp draw on each motor? I saw the article said 350 Watts. I have a similar hoverboard, I was wondering if can I use a big RC ESC with Arduino pwm to drive the motor?

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