In this video, you are going to learn about how to make an Arduino traffic light controller. This traffic light controller will be used to control the flow of traffic. These can be applied at high traffic areas to avoid traffic blocks or accidents. Arduino Code : , Reading

Honda makers have constantly had to do with strong engines. This lawn mower does not lag behind, when it pertains to engine top quality. Thanks to it and other advantages, like large-capacity discharge bag and instinctive self-propulsion, this lawn mower is seen amongst the very best lawn mowers on theContinue Reading

Same motors and ESCs as before, but new battery, Li-Po power! I swapped 12V led acid battery for 4s Lipo pack. Biggest difference is in weight, lipo is around 13kg lighter and this makes mower much faster, motors are also cooler. sourceContinue Reading

Honda makers have constantly had to do with strong engines. This lawn mower does not lag behind, when it pertains to engine top quality. Thanks to it and other advantages, like large-capacity discharge bag and instinctive self-propulsion, this lawn mower is seen amongst the very best lawn mowers on theContinue Reading

Usefull? No, but fun and challenging to build. I just finished a prototype for controlling the rear wheels. Link to more information: It’s something I’ve been working on for a few days now, it’s basically a steel frame made of 50mm square 5mm thick bars. The wheels are BLDCContinue Reading

Honda makers have constantly had to do with strong engines. This lawn mower does not lag behind, when it pertains to engine top quality. Thanks to it and other advantages, like large-capacity discharge bag and instinctive self-propulsion, this lawn mower is seen amongst the very best lawn mowers on theContinue Reading