Here’s a video explaining the workings of the automatic ball launcher that I built and wrote a how to article for which is in the summer 2012 issue of Make magazine! You can build your own by visiting the Make website and subscribing to the paper or digital version.




  1. Thank you so much for this. I was just looking online and some of these things are like £200 !! This looks completely doable even with my limited set of skills 🙂

  2. Thankyou for your clever idea and for sharing it and I have made one my self, it works fantastically. I would like to send you some photos but I have no idea of how and where to do it. Thanks again

  3. Clever, Curious how the wiper motor returns to the same spot? Thought wiper motors had a "park" wiring circuit to them.

  4. I've gone threw 2 wiper motors the main gear cracks from the impact of the ball wacker over time, I tried reducing the spring tension too, my dog loved this machine but I need a wiper motor with metal gears I think.

  5. nice
    built one my self ir works very good, teaching the dog is now the chanllenge

  6. I built my own Remote controlled version with a programmable 6 ball auto feeder, Video of it in action can be seen here: – thank you HackaweekTV for the basic idea on how it all works, i had to over come a lot of hurdles to get my completed version to work, i used a different wiper motor that didn't have an internal thread in the shaft so it took a lot of thinking to make it work in the end! i hope you get a chance to watch my video, it took me over a week to complete and lot's of driving around gathering parts! my final version will be controlled threw the internet from an app on my android phone so i can launch a ball for my dog now and then or all 6 in a row 🙂

  7. Would like to build a miniature version for the miniature tennis balls. My little 3.5 lb Chihuahua will bark at me all day if I stop throwing the ball, and this just might satisfy her if she can load the hopper.

  8. What do the materials total to? What does this cost to make? Less than just buying a store one?

  9. hi…  great video.  quick question.  where did you get the adapter to hook up your cordless drill battery ?

  10. Nice how far would you say the ball goes in feet and height love it can we feed more balls automatically any ideas?

  11. what an awesome idea!… i have found an old wiper motor covered in dust and have it working, im wondering, on the motor you used, does it rotate with next to no resistance (as the arm on yours seems to move freely), i am concerned that ones the spring (on mine) is past the half way point it will not 'fling' because of the tention on the motor? anz suggestions? Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Why did you put a more powerful gear engine? The old one from a car window opener was not strong enough? Thank you.

  13. I'm currently working on one of these. My dog will love it. My dog is a slobber monster and the balls get very, very wet. Also, I thought this would be fun to use by the lake, in which case the ball will come back soaked each time. How can I make that switch waterproof, so a soaking ball can be placed in the hopper?

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