Thank you very much for my first 100 subscribers, I appreciate your support! Here is a short tutorial on how to create fireworks animation with Arduino UNO and transparent 128×64 OLED display with SSD1306 or SSD1309 driver chip, using u8g graphics library, Wokwi online Arduino simulator, and creating graphics inContinue Reading

If you find my videos helpful, you can say thank you and help me to make more tutorials with a cup of coffee or by picking up a copy of Practical Robotics in C++. Thank you for your support! Practical Robotics in C++: Roomba Wheels: As anContinue Reading

Most Affordable LIDAR!: Hacking Neato Robot Vacuum Laser Scanner for your Robot Project. Use with any USB port, or GPIO serial port like that on a Raspberry Pi, with or without Robot operating system (ROS). This is a game-changer for your Raspberry Pi or Arduino Robot. ************************************************************************************** EDIT: Practical RoboticsContinue Reading

This week @adafruit we’re 3D printing cases for floppy drives. Prototyping an etch-a-sketch inspired drawing handheld using 2.4in TFT FeatherWing and CircuitPython. The timelapse this week is a print-in-place articulated fish printed in MatterHackers Quantum PLA filament. Radical! 2.4in TFT FeatherWing Feather M4 Quantum Filament Matterhackers – Reading

DIY IOT based fully automatic Washing machine Circuit Diagram. This video is about how to connect main functions of washing machine with Raspberry pi. Major functions are explained in detail, along with its full circuit diagram. This project hardware requirement are – Secondhand automatic washing machine – Raspberry Pi orContinue Reading

4WD Quad Robot Car Chassis compatible with DIY projects, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Microbit and other microcontrollers Product Purchase Link: Quad Store – 4WD Quad Robot Car Chassis compatible with DIY projects, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Microbit and other microcontrollers 4WD Chassis – Quad Robot Car Chassis Best suited for Do ItContinue Reading

This is the first test drive of the PiMowBot, a Raspberry Pi based robotic lawn mower. Most parts of the PiMowBot lawnmower robot (the entire housing, chassis, and essential parts of the PiMowBot cutterbar) are selfmade using 3D printing technologies. Please visit for detailed information. , sourceContinue Reading