If you find my videos helpful, you can say thank you and help me to make more tutorials with a cup of coffee or by picking up a copy of Practical Robotics in C++. Thank you for your support! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/practicalrobot Practical Robotics in C++: https://amzn.to/3CJAqHs Roomba Wheels: https://amzn.to/3CICvnb As anContinue Reading

Most Affordable LIDAR!: Hacking Neato Robot Vacuum Laser Scanner for your Robot Project. Use with any USB port, or GPIO serial port like that on a Raspberry Pi, with or without Robot operating system (ROS). This is a game-changer for your Raspberry Pi or Arduino Robot. ************************************************************************************** EDIT: Practical RoboticsContinue Reading

Let’s use the PS2 Joystick to control a DC motor. So, this lesson helps you to create projects like robot cars, drones … ● L298N Motor Driver: https://youtu.be/qaFMSq-YNkg ● Arduino Joystick: https://youtu.be/T4IhXSnrKs0 ● Playlist Link: https://bit.ly/2VT2ZAN ►► Get your “Arduino Starter Kit” (affiliate link): ● https://amzn.to/3xkAtp6 Or ● https://amzn.to/3Ah5IUF ♥Continue Reading

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to use a wireless Playstation 2 (PS2) joystick to pilot a robotic tank. An Arduino Uno board was used at the core of this project. It receives commands from the wireless controller and sets the speed of the motors. Full instructions at: https://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Robot-With-PS2-Controller-PlayStation-2-JoContinue Reading

PANTECH e- LEARNING In Association PIMPRI CHINCWAD —————————————————————————————————– EV Design 1 Month Internship Rs 999.00 Apply Now: https://www.pantechelearning.com/ev-master-class-internship/ Topics EV Design ✅ Day -1 Electric Vehicle | MATLAB – Simulink Introduction ✅ Day -2 Electric Vehicle Introduction ✅ Day -3 Forces on EV Calculations ✅ Day -4 Power for EVContinue Reading