🌟 Salut à tous, Bienvenue sur ma chaine !!! 🌟 ⟱⟱ TOUTES LES INFOS ICI CLIQUEZ POUR LES LIRE ⟱⟱ Créez votre propre console retrogaming facilement 🙂 voici ou trouver les liens pour le matos et l image de recalbox : http://www.biwi-shop.com/alex-express/console-retrogaming.html Envie de gashapon, bonbon et snack japonais ouContinue Reading

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to use a wireless Playstation 2 (PS2) joystick to pilot a robotic tank. An Arduino Uno board was used at the core of this project. It receives commands from the wireless controller and sets the speed of the motors. Full instructions at: https://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Robot-With-PS2-Controller-PlayStation-2-JoContinue Reading