What will the Earth look like in 30 years? Check it now: http://bit.ly/PeterSripol #earth2050 #kaspersky We flew the sled! And i’m totally fine! Merry Christmas! songs: MY WEBSITE:::::::::::: https://goo.gl/87uDQK Amazon affiliate links (these help grow the channel, every purchase gets me a small percentage of the sale, it costs youContinue Reading

Instagram: http://instagram.com/jlaservideo TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@jlaservideo I built and flew on my personal drone hovercraft. This vehicle has been 2 years in the making and is essentially a giant drone multicopter big enough to carry a person. It features 10 motors, 20 LIPO batteries, a flight controller, GPS, and has a liftingContinue Reading