Temperature Monitor Using Arduino, GSM, DHT11 and Blynk 2.0 In this experiment we can see how to measure and temperature and humidity ure readings. Similary way for Humidity as well. Required Components ================== 1. Arduino Uno 2. GSM SIM 800 C Module 3. Temperature and Humidity Sensor 4. Connecting CableContinue Reading

How to make a laser triggered booby trap easily at home. This simple project can act as a DIY laser alarm system to stop intruders . Get Parts Here: http://joshbuild.com/homemade-laser-triggered-booby-trap/ Specially thanks to PCBWay for sponsoring these boards for my project. Get PCB From : https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/DIY_Laser_Alarm.html Check out PCBways “IContinue Reading