This solar powering unit is a time switching battery powered solar charged circuit, used to power an Arduino Uno and some peripherals. The solar powering unit presented here is energy efficient. ​When we talk about Arduino, it consumes lots of energy in displays and other work that are not important.Continue Reading

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Just put your Comment to get the Program ↓↓↓ —————————————————————————————————- Hai Guys.. Welcome back to me Gaebs Surbakti, konten kali ini beda dari sebelumnya, gue mencoba memulai hal baru dengan penampilan baru juga. Ide pembuatan vlog ini berawal dari mata kuliah Pemrograman di kampus, gue sama sekali masih buta tentangContinue Reading

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to use a wireless Playstation 2 (PS2) joystick to pilot a robotic tank. An Arduino Uno board was used at the core of this project. It receives commands from the wireless controller and sets the speed of the motors. Full instructions at: Reading