Quick tip – Preventing stripped Threads in anything plastic but crucial for RC
https://www.asiatees.com/store?rc_pal=3335313136 for ALL your RC Upgrades Keep the plastic threads on your Tamiya or any other RC in good shape for a long time with this little trick. Join us on “theLEDwheel” facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheLEDWheel2.0/ Twitter Tweets by MacPhreak And Blogger http://theledwheel.blogspot.ca Thanks for watching Steph sourceContinue Reading
3D Printed DIY Robotic Lawn Mower 1st Tests
3D Printed Lawn Mower – First Tests Visit repalmakershop.com for more info. , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MMcy_b59sec/hqdefault.jpg sourceContinue Reading
Lawn mower Arduino versione 2
Robot mower Arduino version 2 ? Link utili I sorgenti robot tagliaerba e filo perimetrale su github:➜https://github.com/REPALphilread/ReP_AL-3D-Lawn-Mower Arduino Mega 2560 R3➜https://it.banggood.com/custlink/KvGvuVwOCK Arduino Nano➜https://it.banggood.com/custlink/3GmGutujHU Espansione Arduino Nano➜https://it.banggood.com/custlink/mmKv7F7jHT L298N Scheda driver motore passo-passo➜https://it.banggood.com/custlink/mKv3w5foim Modulo LM386 Modulo amplificatore audio➜https://it.banggood.com/custlink/vmDm1HwLIC Modulo ACS712 5A➜https://it.banggood.com/custlink/3mDGfFuoiV Modulo bussola hmc5883l➜https://it.banggood.com/custlink/KmD3ut7aib Charger Protection Board Balance Module BMS 3S➜https://it.banggood.com/custlink/vGKvuFwo92 ModuloContinue Reading
Remote Lawnmower
Second video of my remote modification, to cut slope in front of garden. sourceContinue Reading
Racing Lawnmower Project
just telling ya about the mowers i have, more vids coming, any questions message/comment sourceContinue Reading
Epic Fail – 3dprinted Arduino Robot Mower almost catches fire!
Oh man. This one was painful. Nice steady progress then disaster struck!!! Too late at night to be doing stuff and I messed up… Now it’s time to redo some of the work ive already done. ———————————————————— Wanna support me? Check out the links below – follow and subscribe! Blog:Continue Reading
#Redback for U?
3 lucruri de remarcat in filmulet. 1. Robotul, de tuns iarba care e genial, (scump dar isi face treaba- adica o face pe a noastra?), intalnirea lui cu pisica si rabdarea mea de a filma. Uite asa mi-am petrecut ieri toata dupa-amiaza??? sourceContinue Reading
RC Rasenmäher , Ferngesteuerter Rasenmäher , RC Mower, , Remote Controll Mower
RC Rasenmäher, RC Mower, Ferngesteuerter Rasenmäher, Prototyp it works very good. For more Infos gamblerdo@gmx.de sourceContinue Reading
Top 10 Arduino Projects 2020 | Mind Blowing Arduino School Projects
▶️ Arduino 2021 Projects: https://youtu.be/-SXShctDmMY [ NEW ] ▶️ Arduino 2020 Projects: https://youtu.be/0f2DlmolKvQ ▶️ Arduino 2019 Projects: https://youtu.be/enyIGWev7HQ ▶️ Arduino 2018 Projects: https://youtu.be/0XTcJ5-0u00 ▶️ Raspberry Pi Projects: https://youtu.be/Jy8lFYD39Tw Today we have the compilation of Top 10 Amazing Arduino Projects of 2019 – 2020. It’s the third Arduino compilation on ScienceContinue Reading
✪✪✪✪✪ http://www.theaudiopedia.com ✪✪✪✪✪ What is ROBOTIC LAWN MOWER? What does ROBOTIC LAWN MOWER mean? ROBOTIC LAWN MOWER meaning – ROBOTIC LAWN MOWER definition – ROBOTIC LAWN MOWER explanation. Source: Wikipedia.org article, adapted under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ license. A robotic lawn mower is an autonomous robot used to cut lawn grass. A typicalContinue Reading