I reprogrammed the small fence to be sure of the ball positions. I enabled high accuracy in NMEA messages on the GPS.
The result is much better than before.

, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/T8Lqvea60Ms/hqdefault.jpg



  1. This is awesome. I so much want to build one of these. However, I would base it on Ardurover. It already has so much of the needed functionality built-in, there is cheap hardware that has all the processing power, IO and sensors on board, and you could use things like encoders on the wheels to further improve accuracy. Ardupilot/ardurover really is magical when it comes to estimating position based on imperfect data by fusing all the sensors. Dont reinvent the wheel, just reinvent lawnmowers!

  2. Wow, that's impressive… Looking forward to build mine, the printer runs since a week ago and i just ordered the parts 🙂

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