This is a much more exciting project than you might think. Making a machine with bits and pieces, that works and is useful and cheaper (by far) than you can buy, is exciting to me anyway. Plus – if all goes well – we should see a field of fodder beet seeds in a week or two – which is very exciting in itself.
The hinges and the funnels were really cheap – and that should have meant the project could have been called ‘Make a seeder for under 20 dollars!” or something – but the chain cost 30 euro, which added a lot. We did try different lengths and thicknesses of chain – but really, the longer and heavier the better. (I filmed all that too – but this video is already plenty long enough, don’t you think?) (In fact, I had 2-and-a-half-hours of video to edit for this one!)
Anyway, thank you for watching and I hope this helps someone make one of their own..
(The holes in this one are 10mm wide and would work (I think) for any big pelleted seeds like kale, carrot, buckwheat, sugar beet, fodder beet, parsnip – and quite possibly grains too, though I haven’t tried them yet..)