This is a short review of the new Ego Battery Powered Mower. This is the Ego Select Cut version. After six weeks, I’m liking it more than I did at first. It takes a while to get used to maneuvering it, but I’m now an expert at making it go where I want. And it’s working quite well.

If you’re considering a battery powered mower, the Ego product line is one you might want to check out before making your decision. I’m very happy with this one so far. Except for that DIRTY LITTLE SECRET I talk about in the video.

If you’re a representative for Toro or Greenworks or Kobalt or ny other company that makes battery powered mowers, send me your best choice and I’ll do a review or comparison with the Ego and see how it stacks up. After that, I’ll give it away to one lucky viewer. I’d be happy to do more than one if I get multiple takers on the offer.

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  1. Love mine too. My only complaint is that the speed control is not marked on any way. You have to count the clicks to know what level speed you’ve set. Otherwise- yeah. Love it.

  2. I've only owned mine for about a week, but I'm impressed with it so far. You're right about a spare battery not being cheap, but if you have a big yard, like I do, a spare battery is the way to go.

  3. Just thought I'd share: (LM2130SP, purchased Feb2021): No issues in 2021…in 2022 it simply cuts off while cutting. It appears to run for approx. 20 minutes then it shuts off and won't restart (Battery goes through 1 to 2 led indicator lights). But it will restart after some rest time: 15 minute rest, it will run for about 2 min. 45 minute rest, it will run for 10 minutes or so. Mind you I only took note of these types of times just once before taking it in. And I'm not cutting through overgrown grass here, I'm bagging very little clippings, probably even shorter than the 1/3 rule this time of year. The underdeck is clean, nothing there. Did this to me on 3 separate consecutive occasions this season (Mar/Apr 2022). It's not the battery, as I have swapped batteries and both work fine in the second piece of equipment (string trimmer). Also, nothing appears to be hot as for as I can tell and nothing out of the ordinary happens before or after, it just shuts off. I called EGO and they referred to me to their authorized warranty center (an hour away). I turned it in on 20 Apr and explained what it was doing to me. I called them today (27Apr) and they can't seem to replicate my issue. Which I was afraid of. The associate I spoke with said they went through several batteries and been going back and forth with EGO regarding my issue. But if they can't replicate what's happening with me not sure what else can be done. I guess, they are talking with EGO to see if any other customers are having similar issues this this lawnmower.

  4. I believe another dirty little secret is when you have to clean the underside of this ego mower.

  5. Great video! I just bought one, and it seems like a quality build, all except that the side discharge shute won’t stay connected. It just doesn’t fit snugly at all. If I put it in the mower and take my hand off of it, the shute just falls right off. Of course, I know that the spring loaded door helps to hold it on. But even Using that, there’s about 2/10 of an inch gap where the side chute doesn’t meet the mower. Is this normal?

  6. Love it Bestfor.Garden also recommend So easy to start and use. No more gas or oil needed! Couldn't be easier to put together. Super lightweight and sooooo much easier to move around compared to my old gas one.

  7. I have had a non-self propelled 21" Ego mower for the last 2 years. I mow a property of 9000sq/ft. The original battery and blade is a joke if you are going to want any kind of clean, decent cut in tall or wet grass and bagging. I put the high lift blade and saw a lot of improvement. I also put the higher voltage battery in and was able to finish and bag in one charge (about 60-70min). I wash the mower AFTER EACH AND EVERY MOW. I have not had a single problem doing this. You just have to keep the deck handle and the wheel axels greased so it doesn't rust out.

  8. I purchased the original EGO Mower LM2000S, string trimmer and leaf blower back in 2014 and have not had one problem with any of the products. Myself and two neighbors decided to split the purchase (we have small yards and it made sense to share the equipment) as we were spending $20/week/each for lawn service. We never looked back and were very happy with our decision. 7 years later and only one of the four 2.5AMP HR batteries has died just about a month ago. Out of 100 points, I give the EGO Mower 93 points. The only negative I could find was the suction/lift of the mower was slightly less than a gas mower, but this was the first EGO mower.

    Now what I cannot understand about this video is why not being able to drown a product in water is considered the "dirty little secret". Bunch of horsesht IMO. Things get dirty, wipe them down, who cares if you can't hose down a product in water…in the end you still need to use a brush or towel to loosen the dirt.

  9. Great review. I’m just waiting for mine to be delivered 👌 what did you clean the mower with?

  10. I bought one today and the self propel portion broke after about 7 minutes of use. I called and they are sending a new one out to me.

  11. Put a plastic bucket on top of the battery compartment or a plastic garbage bag. On the bottom wrap a garbage bag around the blade housing like you ran over it. Take out the battery first and wear gloves. Be careful around the blades. There won’t be a problem. If you have dogs around your house you NEED to hose it down. Don’t forget to blow out the battery compartment with your yard blower. Be careful the roads are slick. 🤪

  12. I bought one in 2017 I think.. Because, I don’t want to mess with oil and stuff. It’s been running great. My only tip is… clean the underside after every use and get the lift blade.

  13. I like your Miata in the background. I am about to go out and buy a EGO lawnmower so thanks for the video & your comments.

  14. They should have a mower / power station combo, since they are both better with the biggest batteries. In an outage, run the gas generator a few hours (during the day) to recharge the batteries or have solar, then run the frig and led lights the rest of the time. That is my thought anyway.

  15. Good video.!!!

    I use my shop vac to vacuum up most that dust and then wipe it down.

  16. I Have EGO battery mower, been using it 3 yrs but now it has gone dead. I don't know anything about electricity and if I take it to be repaired I am sure it will be very expensive. With a petrol mower, it's easier to diagnose the problem.

  17. How did it get so dirty? I got mine for 2 years and I haven't had to clean it.

  18. Sounds just as loud as a regular mower I just stick with my personal pace mower much better especially up to a acre

  19. My friend & I each recently bought one, and so far so good. Actually seems to have better power than my old 6.5 HP craftsman. No gas anything here now, except our cars.

  20. I had mine for 5 years or so, and it never fades nor failed me; battery still going strong, functions well & with no issue. No need for any maintenance, gas stored; just charge the battery, slap it in, and go cutting; then, hose it down, fold it, and store it to the side. Even converted some of my neighbors to it, since i'm the first one to have one in the neighborhood.

  21. I use my paint brush to clean off the cuttings, thanks for the review.

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