This is a part of video tutorial series arduino meets android, in this tutorial you will learn how to make a RC robot controlled from an android phone, even if you don’t have experience previously , you can complete this project with ease without much difficulty all the necessary things needed to complete things project from starting to finish are discussed in this video. you can easily do this project just by following the whole tutorial,.

if you like the video , please check the book here

All of the proceeds from the sales of this book go into a fund for assisting robotics teams to purchase the hardware, software, and training they need to learn the skills necessary to be successful roboticists.

if you like the video , please check the book here

BYTESTEM.ORG is a Non-Governmental Organization, created by three like-minded people who are committed to making a difference in the lives of underprivileged children particularly girls by empowering them through STEM education. STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education. We believe that our STEM courses will help in the all-round education of our students through inter-disciplinary and hands on learning. We do our best to promote STEM education in as many schools as possible. We plan to eventually take it to colleges in the near future.

We focus on these areas together because the skills and knowledge in each discipline are essential for a student to be successful in a science based career. Further, these fields of study are deeply intertwined in the real world. We create an interactive learning experience through workshops and activities. We tap into the talents of students, encourage students to think out of the box and be independent. We believe in the saying “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” In keeping with this, we facilitate empowering girls/women through motivational programs in addition to STEM courses.

Worldwide, STEM supports the study of engineering and technology even at elementary school level. We at strive to impact the lives of students from the middle school level. We provide quality education free of cost and all expenses are borne by us.

Started in late 2014 to offer excellent STEM education to students, we not only educate students but we keenly look to increase the active participation of girls in STEM fields.

With the additional knowledge and hands on application that we encourage, we hope that it would widen the aspirations of students and prompt them to enter STEM fields later. We at strive to provide a path for students to pursue their dreams in the field of science and technology. It is our passionate desire to aid in designing an approach to science that is driven by problem-solving, discovery, exploratory learning, and which requires students to actively engage with a challenge in order to find its solution.




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